July 22, 2008

Welcome Aboard Mom!

You have read that I learned alot from my Mom and feel that alot of my creative talent is due to her. Well, my daughter and I finally convinced her to do some sewing for the ETSY store. So you will see some of her sweet creations, and I say sweet because that is what I feel when Vintage patterns are used, I think they bring out the childlike innocence of yesteryear. It makes me remember those old black and white photos of my siblings and I in matching fabrics, all lined up in a stair step pose. It makes me remember how special I felt getting something new that my Mom made just for me. I think back that she continued to make my children feel that same way when Gram made those special outfits for them. And now my Lil Orchid is continuing that same tradition with special clothes made just for her from Great Gram. Mom (age 74 yrs young) has told me stories from her high school days that, of coarse, she sewed then and her fellow classmates wrote in her yearbook that she would Most Likely Be a Dress Designer with her own Famous Dress Shop. I also believe that, except that would be a Childrens Shop. And Lucky Us Here she is! Thanks Mom.
Check out a few of the beautiful outfits my Lil Orchid is wearing that was made by Great Gram...
Orchid & White Gingham Check long dress, her Scotty Dog dress, her Red Fan dress & matching flair Hat and her Christening gown. I embroidered the White Fans on the tail of the gown and contributed some lace from a childhood dress I had made her Mom Mom. What doesn't show is the hand smocking on the hat and bodice of the dress done by Great Gram. See I told you she was Talented.


JMCS said...

That's fantastic news and what beautiful outfits and pictures. I especially love the one of your daughter (I think) and Lil Orchid at her baptism or communion.


JMCS said...

I think that picture was actually you and your mom. If it is, wow, you look very young to be a grandma!


JMCS said...
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