July 4, 2008

Happy Birthday America !

This is a day to Celebrate, to remember our Freedoms...free to live, work or go where you want to. Free to speak our own mind, worship where you want and to be a Woman who can make her own choices, make a living and be her own person if that's what she chooses.
I never said it was easy freedoms, and most the time it isn't, and lately it's been near impossible. But I was raised by a strong woman, grew up with sisters and friends who took a challenge and can see in my daughter and son's eyes that they are incredible, caring, strong, survivors who have always given 110% at all they Do and Achieve. We traveled and explored our country a very modest way and learned to appreciate Our History and Our Country.

And YES, its still okay to love our country even though I don't have a job, I'm looking at high mortgage payments, I'm facing high gas prices and I'm not sure about anything -- Except that today is a day about Fun, Parades, Family, BBQ's and Fireworks!

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