July 2, 2008

Birthday Wishes

The days that got away.......
June 26 Beauticians Day - if you saw my hair you'd know I don't have one.
June 26 also Baseball Day - I'm sure I watched a game on TV
June 27 Sunglass Day - don't wear them I have prescription
June 30 Sky Day - I always look up and give thanks and say a little prayer
TODAY July 2nd...Mullet Day (no comment) I prefer to remember it is my son's Birthday !
I started my day early with an appointment at the Doctors office for my knee that was hurt at work, I have a few good days but mainly I am learning to tolerate the pain, yes I know that is wrong that is why I went to the doctor. When I arrived home my daughter had already began a feast for lunch in honor of her little brothers 23rd B-day. Pork chops, these really cheesy-buttery potatoes and corn on the cob. We ate early because he was going to a major league game, something we have done for years on his birthday - except this year he was going with some old friends and his girl friend (they got one of those special rooms with the all you could eat and drink). He is Happy and going to the Baseball game, that makes me happy!

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