September 1, 2008

Sept 1st through Sept 6th

About three more weeks left to finish working on lots of items for the handmade festival. Labor Day we slowed a little on creating, hey it was Labor Day. Lil Orchid loves to tell you how old she is and the potty training has been going great, once we found training pants small enough, they don't even make pull ups little enough for her, probably cause she is still in small diaper size. A few days later we were in need of a few odds and ends so we had to venture out, unfortunately this was the day that Hurricane Gustav decided to share its aftermath on the surrounding States. Rain, Rain and more Rain and Wind. Check out Lil Orchids's Pandee rain coat she got as a gift. Her Mom Mom has put some of her bows on head bands and made the cutest little Minnie Mouse Ear Bows. So CUTE!

The week has been okay, but last night made us baseball fans feel great! We were given tickets to the Cardinal Game, excuse me, not just tickets but tickets to the BOA Club in the stadium (over $100 a seat ea.). All you can eat and drink FREE and we were waited on, they cleaned our seats, opened doors and were just really, really nice. To get there we had to walk through some very exclusive areas. Oh La La. Menu had of course, hotdogs, nachos, brats but also stir fry pasta w/shrimp, pulled pork, and the most scrumputious ceasar salad, cordon bleu, cookies and strawberries and to wash it all down, beer, soda or juice. Now we know what its like to have money to spare. Money to Spoil ourselves. Any way it was a great time, and the Cards won! *** Now back to reality... and work*****

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