September 17, 2008


I need COMMENTS, Please, who ever you are reading this blog. Do you like the shop? Do you like the Blog? Am I boring? Anything.

Sorry just getting crazy, had my doctors appt this morning and again they will request a surgery date. Are you thinking what I'm thinking, will it be the weekend..week of...the festival. UGHHHHH! Sorry my emotions are getting the best of me. So I'll tell you that Lil Orchid is still creatively playing with her socks and now since she has taken off the shoes, socks and her brace, she is practicing unlacing and relacing her shoes. Not bad? And yes she is creating fashions for Kitty Kat with scraps of trim and lace from the sewing room. Look out runway models.


Shelby said...

I hope they get you a surgery date soon and it fits into your schedule. It's nice to see the Lil Orchid is so good while you guys are working on your crafts. Miss B would be all over the place and why why why and whats thating everything.

JMCS said...

Hi hun,

I am sorry it has been so long since I stopped by. I just got crazy busy there for a few weeks. Hope your surgery is not on the festival weekend. I am loving the photos of Lil Orchid and ilove your Etsy shop and your blog just the way they are. I can't wait to go to the Apple Fest with Sofia this weekend. She is going to wear the beautiful overalls you made. I can't wait. I will be sure to give anyone who asks your etsy address.


JMCS said...

P.S. Could Lil Orchid be any more adorable??? She is such a little princess.


JMCS said...

P.S.S. One more thing, we are now at
