September 14, 2008

Thar she Blows!

Rain is not the only thing is my creativity juices.
Incredible winds and flooding rains hit this morning from Hurricane Ike and his aftermath. Winds blew out an upstairs window, shattering the glass and soaking the inside. Rain flooded inside the garage...slosh, slosh. Lil orchid decided to follow me out to the garage while her Mom Mom was patching the window with tarps and next thing I new Lil Orchid lost her footing..SPLASH, right down on her caboose. Needless to say we are all drying out.
Check out the photos of the storm outside, while we stayed in sewing, cutting and creating. Lil Orchid decided to use her own socks as puppets to entertain herself, her creative juices were flowing too.
This was not the height of the storm, kinda in between, only a few shots cause I had to stand wrapped in a blanket because of the pelting rain. The view is of our backyard and the very small creek bed (usually only a trickle of water) and my little bridge I built to cross over it is almost getting washed away.


Shelby said...

Is that remnents of Ike still?? Sorry to hear about the window and the water.. Hope Lil Orchid is ok! Can't wait to see what the creative juices came up with.

Orchids and Ladybugs said...

Shelby, Yes this was the aftermath if Ike, it travels slow but still pretty mighty when it reaches us. Little Orchid is fine and kept asking us if she should sing Rain, Rain Go Away.