September 12, 2008

Tinkerbell Tea Party

This morning we had a Tea Party with Lil Orchids new doll (yesterdays adventure also resulted in a shopping day with Great Grandma C). Lil Orchid loves to pretend and has a great imagination, so all dolled up in their princess tiara's and "Tinkiebell"(Lil Orchid's word) attire the party began...Lil Orchid served YeYe Cookies! For those that don't know, they are fig newtons that Great Grandpa (YeYe) always eats and brings her as a treat...Mmmmmm.
In the local newspaper it had an ad that said the nearby Dairy Haven was having customer appreciation days by having Free pony rides. With my love of horses we decided to drive over after Lil Orchids nap and see if she loved them as much as Mammaw. She giggled when she stroked their manes and then didn't want anything to do with them when I asked her if she wanted to ride. Mom Mom came to the rescue so we traded child for cameras and she rode for Mom Mom. The trainers were very gentle as were the pony's. One was named "Jewel" and believe it or not, the first one she rode was named "Miracle". Is that neat or what? Anyway we waited in line again and they let her ride the second time for quite a while. What was neat we had just discussed Therapeutic Horsemanship with her physical therapist this week regarding her hip and leg muscles.

She Loved it and has continued to talk it about all evening. We even had to call Great Gram and YeYe to tell them all about her riding the horsey.

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