August 7, 2008

Two Years Ago - Tears of Joy!

For a quick calendar update..Say Cheese Day & Chinese Valentines Day.
Lil Orchid & I made a special Valentine for her sister (my second grandchild, Lil Ladybug) who we are waiting for sometimes not so patiently. Otherwise here she is after picking squash & tomatoes in the garden - is that not a cheesy smile?

Why tears of Joy...because two years ago today, my daughter and I walked up what seemed like the longest flight of stairs to a small orphanage room, slipped our shoes off and met the most beautiful 5 month old baby girl, my granddaughter, Lil Orchid. They had shaved her head again and she was so sick with a high fever but even though she was so tiny (barely 11 lbs) for an almost 6 month old ,we recognized that precious face from a very worn out, much looked at, tiny photograph. I was suppose to record the whole meeting for my daughter but I was so anxious and caught up with emotion (remember this is my first grandchild) that I forgot to take photos the first few minutes of their meeting. This baby girl has stolen the hearts of everyone she meets, I mean who could resists this face. :) I never thought I could Love someone more than I do my two amazing children, but I DO, its a Grandma thing I guess. Is Life any better than this.


Shelby said...

I remember the pictures from then. Thinking how tiny and beautiful she was. Now two years later I love to see the pictures of how she is growing up and she is more beautiful than ever.

JMCS said...

You are right, how could you resist that adorable face. Isn't it amazing how you can fall so deeply head over heels in love. My mom sounds just like you. She is also a proud grandma. I hope your daughter is able to get Little ladybug soon. We are waiting for I-171H to come and hopefully soon we will get our dossier authenticated and translated for China. Then get logged in. Hope little ladybug's referral comes soon. It will be so much fun for Lil Orchid to have a sister. :)


JMCS said...

She really is stunningly beautiful.