August 3, 2008 of rest?

Sunday may not have been a day of rest but rather a day of Fun. It was so Hot and Humid but once the sun went down it cooled off some, thank goodness it was an evening Ball game. As it cooled down we were able to dry out, check out Lil Orchids hair dripping wet in the Hot Sun down by the field. It was Build A Bear night so she loved getting her fuzzy red bear holding the ball bat. I got tons of compliments on her dress from other Fans. Along the tail of the dress and on each embroidered baseball I embroidered the name of each Cardinal Hall of Famer. So it made for a very unique outfit. GO CRAZY FOLKS!
Forgot to include..Bratwurst Day/Grab some Nuts Day/Friendship Day!
Okay , Bratwurst and Nuts at the Ball Park.
In honor of Friendship Day - a Special Hello to A Good Family Friend, Pat, she is more of a Hockey Fan than Baseball But WE LOVE HER ANYWAY!

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