January 20, 2009

Sad Good Bye, Snow & a New President...

This morning we woke to a light dusting of snow, enough to get Lil Orchid excited, she has been laying on the wood floor for weeks making her invisable snow angels..Today she got her chance.

Yesterday, MLK Day, my son had to return back to school. It was a great visit but Lil Orchid was not ready for him to leave. After spending the morning playing house then giving him his Valentines gift early he said good-bye. He was half way down the drive, when Lil Orchid began screaming "Hug, Hug" so we wrapped her in a blanket to catch Uncle Nathan for one last Hug.
She continued all day with that sad little face.

As with everyone else we watched the days events, Lil Orchid and I watched Aretha sing (she loved it), we watched Pres elect going to church (or as Lil Orchid says "there goes Brock O-bama"), she enjoyed the Armed Forces singing (Lil Orchid thought it was a Baseball Game).


1 comment:

JMCS said...

What a little honey Lil Orchid is I love the photos of her making the snow angel and how she calls Barack "Brock O-bama". It sounds like you guys had a wonderful MLK day. Glad you got to see your son. Please give Lil Orchid a big hug and kiss from us.
