December 4, 2008

Where's Grandma Monica?

Since my Mom has been either too miserable because of the pain from her knee, sick with this nasty virus that's been going around, taking care of extended family business, worrying about my sick Grandpa (aka her step-dad) and also worrying about my Grandma who's trying to take care of him, taking care of Lil Orchid at night so I can work, taking care of Lil Orchid during the day so I can work my other job also, trying to catch up on sewing and making things not only for Etsy but a few shows coming up and lots not forget that we have entered the Holiday season filled with stress and lots of fun parties :) So that's why my Mom has been absent, absent minded is more my thought (ha,ha).
She will post soon and tell about the great Thanksgiving we had, my Baby Brother being home for the holiday and our trip to get our family picture taken(which will be sent with our Christmas cards that we haven't even began to address), about helping me search for the perfect preschool Lil Orchid will attend (since around here they can't start until they turn 3), the wonderful pumpkin soup I make every year and how my Aunts devoured more than half of the 5 gallons I made this year, my best friend (aka my Mom's other son) visit over the holidays, my Cousins visit (aka her niece and nephews), our mad dash this month to renew my 171-H since I just realized it hasn't expired for the future Lil Ladybug and that way we won't fall under the I-800 Hague paperwork (praying it will all fall into place like all of Lil Ladybugs's adoption has). And all the other random adventures of our life together as a family. So I leave you with a few random photos from the month of November, K took the last 2 all by herself, they aren't her best work but they say alot :)

K playing in the sink

K's plate after eating most of her Thanksgiving dinner

This is her FP Little People who she calls her Uncle N

So until again when my Mom fails to update her journal for almost an entire month, I bid you adieu

Lil' Orchids MomMom or Grandma Monica's ever wonderful Daughter

Also did you see the awesome avatar I made of our family that is on the sidebar. I was surprised at how well it depicted us.


JMCS said...

Hi Grandma Monica's Daughter,

Thanks for the update. My goodness, you guys have been so busy. I know it stays busy this time of year. That's great news that you will not have to switch over to the I-800. We also just beat the new form for Sofia's sister. Are you guys going back to Vietnam for K's sister? K took some great pictures and she is just sooooo adorable! I just want to wrap her up and give her kisses. Take care and talk to you guys soon. :)


Shelby said...

Thanks for the update. I was hoping it was just because she was busy sewing all kinds of great things and not because of sickness or her knee.
Hope she is feeling 100% soon and they finally get to fixing her knee!!