December 14, 2008

the weather outside is frightful..

My prayers go out to all those effected by the weather and outages. (I hope our friends in New York are okay) It is bitter cold here with wind gusts, but I am thankful that we still have our electricity.

We stayed inside finishing the Christmas tree and Then decided to take pictures of Lil Orchid for our Christmas cards.


SARA said...

her little dress is adorable! she's getting so big!!

JMCS said...


Thanks for thinking of us. We luckily weren't affected by the power outages but a lot of people in our area were. We have been getting a ton of snoe though. Just wanted tio thank you for the beautiful card and photo you sent us. We have Lil Orchid's photo on the front of our fridge and Sofia and I love looking at it. She is so gorgeous and her outfit is so cute. You are amazing. Is there anything you can't make? I really love the photos you took. i especially love the one with the light reflecting off the tree onto Lil Orchid's face. Beautiful.


JMCS said...

Oops, I meant snow not snoe. Typing to dang fast again (lol) and tio is to (he-he).