October 28, 2008

Surprise, Surprise

Monday & Tuesday had nice surprises in the Mail for Lil Orchid and family. Lil Orchid received a Halloween card from Ye Ye and Great Great with a special Jack O Lantern on the front. She received a sticker ABC Halloween book and a Halloween card with a gray striped kitty on it (surprise, it wasn't a black cat) from her Godmother Stephanie from Canada. Then her Mom Mom's SP sent her a Hello Kitty Halloween bucket and another Halloween book and some other wondeful things for the family. Thanks! We spent the evening reading the books over and over again. Lil Orchid Loves Books!

Tuesday was physical theraphy day for Lil Orchid so we surprised her with a nice warm fire in the fireplace to take the chill out of the air.
Still having fun wearing the Halloween shirts...Yeah for Halloween.

1 comment:

JMCS said...

What great things to receive. I love the photos of Lil orchid checking her mailbox. She is such a lucky little girl to have such a wonderful family and you are so lucky to have such a wonderful granddaughter. I hope her physical therapy went well. That is so great that Lil Orchid loves books. Sofia does too.
