October 11, 2008

Road Trip with my Ex-Mother-in-law

Okay, I know the title is an attention getter, but that's because it was a very long day and I was too tired and hurting to go upstairs and add a title to be written later. So this is the works of my daughter HAHA. I would have focused on something different like going to visit my son for the first time since he moved up to school. Any way we made it a one day trip because he was scheduled to work the long weekend but got Saturday off. So somehow the kids grandmother (my Ex) wound up in our car for the visit there. This should tell everyone how much I LOVE MY KIDS! She was nice and is a very sad and lonely lady. Again she was pleasant and bought the gas and bought us lunch. (never mind the feeling I had that she was lining me up for a sniper shot) Sorry didn't mean to say that. Focus, I got to spend the day with my son, okay I got to watch my son spend the day with his Niece and Goddaughter. So it was a beautiful day for our family to spend together. Family day (Homecoming at U of I). The campus was relaxing, lots of fountains and squirrels. N took Lil Orchid to the park across the street form his apartment to play. Enjoy the photo's, I do!


JMCS said...

Can't wait to hear the rest of this one. Hope you guys are having fun! :)


JMCS said...

Now that's a great comment about being lined up for a sniper shot (lol). I was wondering if U of I is in Champaign? My previous boss went there and he is from IL. I was just curious. Love Lil Orchid's outfit. You are so talented. I know she had to be the cutest princess there....Without a doubt. :)

Glad you got to see your son and hope he is doing well.


Shelby said...

Now you know I love to look at any pictures of Lil Orchid but especially love the pics of her with N. Glad you got to spend some time with him.