October 18, 2008

Fall Festival

Woke up tired and wondering what we could do for fun today since the birthday party was cancelled. Read in the paper that alot of the Halloween festivities were starting this weekend. We Love Halloween...it has always been a family affair. Always lived out in the country, so we never really did the door to door trick or treating. We would dress up and join the parades or costume contests. We would have a theme, I was Ghepetto and my son was Pinocchio, or my son was the Prince and my daughter was the Dragon. She would be Cinderella and I walked beside her as a guardsman in a tunic and my brother was Prince Charming. I can't even name them all..but it was worth the $50, $100 or $25 prize money. Yes, we usually won 1st or 2nd place for originality. Then would spend the money on something beside candy, a great Treat wouldn't you say. Today there is a Fall Festival with games, food, rides and a costume contest. Put Lil Orchid down for her nap and began brainstorming with my daughter. How about a Princess , she loves Cinderella (cause she can actually say that name really well). No, there will be to many Cinderella's in Blue. How about our version of a Princess I got all that satin, taffeta and lace at that estate sale? NO, go check out the garage and shop, here's a watering can and silk flowers..how about Mary, Mary Quite Contrary....No...here is an old walking cane and Lil Orchids stuffed lamb. That's It, she's Little Bo Peep. Hurry up, start sewing we gotta leave in a few hours. Okay now lets sew a tail on Mam Maw's white sweats and make a hood with ears, a big bow for the neck...yep, I'm the Little Lost sheep (okay, a Big Lost Sheep). Oh what fun, she got to grab a bobbing pumpkin and did a little fishing. The Disney Radio group was there, but Lil Orchid loved the live Country Band better. We took her picture under the Big Balloon Cat although I think it was a Bat. I know you already saw the Bo Peep photos, but we didn't win..it was NOT a judged contest it was a popularity contests and the other people brought the entire neighborhood to clap and scream. Did make us feel a little better because everyone else said we should have won even other contestants, and even the fair director. Lil Orchid did really good and wasn't scared of the monsters or bloody things. She was scared of the adult man Sponge Bob, go figure. But the hairy legs were really gross. What will next weekend bring???

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