June 2, 2008

Sunshine brings Smiles

I did not realize how the time is going by. I have been racing with the weather and juggling my unstable job hours and job search, not to mention getting some sewing done (Sewing is the only thing I'm really confident about.) Garden seems to be springing up fine...a few places bare so I'm sure the black birds feasted well. Needed to get alot of yard work done, moved part of a large mound of dirt left over from construction...built a small berm with some lilies and hostas planted near my fairy garden. Gone on a few job interviews, they seem impressed with application but given the same ole "we'll get back to you" (I really believe their is still age discrimination) I guess I need to invest in a bottle of hair color. Why can't they realize I'm a wealth of information and experience. And I definately do want the hassles of a relationship..so keep your men. Oh well, the optimistic ones keep telling me it has not been the right job.

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