March 30, 2010

Kitty Dress-up

This morning, MamMaw was feeling better, so she decided to ride with us to pick Lil' Orchid up from school. But as you can imagine, MamMaw over did it with the short trip and was misearable the rest of the day. After we took MamMaw home, we then took a short trip to Build-a-bear (to use Lil' Orchids $5 birthday coupon from the store before it expired). Since we were making the trip, this also allowed Lil' Orchid to use her birthday gift card from her Cousins. Plus we had another coupon for $10 off. So needless to say when we got there, we had lots of fun picking out new clothes for her Kitty to wear. When all was said and done, we walked out of there with 3 bags full of goodies. We had so much fun playing dress-up with Kitty once we got home.
With all her goodies from Build-a-bear
Her drawing/painting of a Rainbow Monster and her bean plant from school

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