March 25, 2010

Art-titude Night

While MamMaw slept (thank goodness the meds knock her out for an hour or two at a time so she doesn't feel the pain), Lil Orchid and I went to her school for Art-titude night. They began the night with Mrs. Maria telling a story about a Giant and how he makes a rainbow by wiping his face. After the story was done, they broke us up into groups to visit the 3 different classroom stations. Our first station was with Mrs. Maria & Mrs. Lisa where they followed the directions to make playdough. Lil Orchid was in charge of adding the salt. After they finished up, we headed to the next room where they made Rainbow Stew (which is goo made out of cornstarch, sugar, water and food coloring), which the texture of the finished product is amazing. Our finally room was to make a huge collage and to enjoy some fresh fruit snacks (yummy strawberries, melons and grapes). At the end of the night they gave each family a treat bag with additional art project instruction and some art project kits. When we got home, MamMaw had just woken up. Lil Orchid couldn't wait to give her the plate of fresh fruit she insisted we bring home to her and then told her about our night and all the fun things we did.

Good Night, Lil Orchids MomMom

1 comment:

Elizabeth Frick said...

How is it that I've never seen your blog before??? I feel so bad that, after all this time, I've missed out on your wonderful posts! My apologies.
Thanks so much for your comment on today's post - we actually found O's little jacket at Once Upon A Child. I think it might be Old Navy?
Hope you all are doing well!