February 2, 2010

Should I be Flattered??

I don't think so, nope not this time.

I am talking about people (who think they can call themselves artist, crafters, etc.)
those who claim to have original ideas.
I love to see others work, creations through their eyes and they amaze me.
I love to see how they turn and twist something so simple, into something incredible.
I love watching my family create, using their God given talents of imagining, then seeing and producing a work of art.
But, as I browsed through ETSY I was astounded and surprised by the audacity of a few people who not only copied (I want to say robbed) not only my original, no two alike creations but copied my words, my phrases, my sentences. HOW RUDE! HOW WRONG !
Unfortunately, they then charge three times or more for those stolen ideas!
Please look at the dates and don't be fooled....
they aren't Original...
they even duplicated my granddaughters costume
I created for a family members Themed Birthday Party this summer.
I work so hard and so does my children who help me sell.
I pride myself on my originality, my use of recycling and my love of creating.
But this drains me with frustrations.
I know that my blog is even being invaded for ideas.
Do I stop posting Photos?????

1 comment:

JMCS said...

Sorry to hear this. That is very sad, it seems when someone get a good idea so many people are in line to steal it. You keep on doing your awesome crafts and just ignore those "wanna-bes".
