February 25, 2010

Curly Top..

If you know or have seen
photos of Lil Orchid
you can see she loves
to have her hair fixed
and to wear one of the
beautiful hair bows
made by my daughter.
She has a little curl
at the end of her hair
so I decided to curl her hair
and see just how much curl
it would hold,
or even how long it would hold.

Little did I know she would become a dark haired Shirley Temple. I now know that her hair definitely holds curl....and it held the tight curl all day long. Who Knew!

Today was her birthday celebration at school.
She loved that she got to sit in teacher's chair
and her friends sang Happy Birthday!
She looked so cute,
but she looked so different.

1 comment:

JMCS said...

How cute is that! But of course she could even have a bald head and still be the cutest little cutie-patootie ever!
