February 15, 2009

Sewn With Love...

Lots of NEW Dirndle Skirts added
Check it out!

What a productive day, it must have been the Love & all the help I got from Lil Orchid (she keeps me company when 'm sewing) It's amazing all the things she learns while helping....well there is all the colors of the buttons and thread, then there is counting the buttons, thread, and bobbins.
And especially
how to wind up the
thread spool when you drop it
and it rolls from one room to the next . LOL

Today she built a birthday cake and we sang and she practiced blowing out the invisable candle.

1 comment:

JMCS said...

Oh Monica,

These skirts are too cute. I gotta get over to your shop. I can't stay away...love these skirts you talented woman!

Lil Orchid looks like she is practicing for her big day and she is the best little model. :)
