April 16, 2011

Lil Bo Peep

"Books I Love to Read" was the theme to the Childrens parade which advertised it was open to everyone, unfortunately that was not the case. Standing in the rain and cold for over an hour waiting to be judged and then the Judges not even talking to Lil Orchid, I knew something was wrong. After the prize for "Individuals", was awarded to the two children in the battery jeep with the Dr Suess books shrunk wrapped to their windshield,(there was at least 5 other Dr Suess themed groups)I knew, then it was verified No outsiders can win ;(

Lil Orchid was so excited, even almost para-sailing with the strong winds. She was exhausted due to the hills and the length of the parade (I thought I wouldn't make it) but the viewers along the route that clapped, rose to their feet and whistled gave her even more strength.

THANKS! For making a Little 5 yr old HAPPY!

And pooh to the parade committee for not posting ALL their rules

and letting a little girl and her Grandma down!

NOTE: I drew those pic's on the foamboard in the hotel at 1am.

no shrink wrap or photo copies here!

1 comment:

Shelby said...

I can't believe THAT won over her. Totally ridiculous. She is alweays first place in our world!