August 11, 2010

Wednesday Fair Fun..

We are still at the Fair...Come on Down
there is an air condition bldg full of Fair entries
(that is also where we are)
and for the guys come see the fair chicks
(oops I mean chickens)

I've been working on some new tutu's
I always strive to be like no other ;)
Great for Play, Portraits
and Costumes !
remember I have wings and tiaras
on etsy, too

1 comment:

JMCS said...

Oh hun! These are goregous. You are always so creative and I love your creations. Sorry it has bee so long since I have had a chance to say hello. We may be moving but don't know yet. John is in the middle of a job change. When things get back to normal I promise I will be back around more. Please give a big hug and kiss to little orchid from us and please tell H and N we said hi too! hope you are well.
