August 7, 2010

My Heart is Overwhelmed

I know I should be talking about new creations, what shows I should be at next, but today I cannot bring myself to do this.

Even as I mowed the grass, or while I sat working on sewing, my mind wanders and my focus is elsewhere....
I think of my Blessings, how wonderful my son is doing, how hard my daughter works and today I am grateful for the brightest little star in the Heavens of my Life.

Four Years ago I watched in awe as the nannies of the orphanage placed in the arms of my daughter a beautiful, petite little child (5 mos old and only 11 lbs). We had already fallen in Love with her from a single, small photograph that was getting tattered from being carried close to our hearts. I stood frozen, my heart beating so hard I thought others could hear, tears in my eyes making it hard to focus on the most precious little baby.

My Granddaughter.

What a Beautiful Day in My Memory!

1 comment:

JMCS said...

Happy 4 year family day sweet princess! We love you so much and thank you for all the joy you bring into all of our lives.
