July 11, 2009

FanFest overview

I'm gonna try to breeze through All Star Fan Fest in St Louis MO., but for a week of activities, working booths and getting autographs....What can I say....Ya just gotta LOVE BASBALL !

My daughter & I shared the working part and whoever was not working keep Lil' Orchid and had a ton of Fun. She became known as the best little girl ever. My son couldn't make it and it killed him....although the cell phone play by plays kept everyone sane. Meeting the MVP's, Hall of Farmer's and celebrities was amazing... not to mention the old memorabilia on display, don't even ask how many photos were taken.
We met Alyssa Milano, movie star (she designs MLB clothes for women), We met several women from the National Baseball Teams (A League of their own),

But I am most proud that Lil' Orchid got up on a stage in front of the Fan Fest crowd, told everyone who she was and sang "Take me out to the Ballgame" acapella for a radio station. That's My Girl!!!!

1 comment:

Shelby said...

Can't wait to hear all about your fun!!!