July 31, 2011

Rockome Gardens

As a special treat driving back from Indiana, we stopped by Amish Country to show Lil Orchid a bit of past. I took my daughter here when she was small, my mother brought me and my siblings here when we were young and I brought both my son and daughter here twice.

She had fun, because she did not know what was missing. We did not realize that the Yoder family sold off their farm and the Gardens to a group of men who wanted it only for the land.

riding "lady Jane"

They removed the teacup but mostly they removed the Fresca Bottle house and soda bottle fence ;( so-o-o-o SAD! No Amish in site, not even people dressed up :(

But we walked around and saw the rock fences and flowers, the fountains, ponds, and waterfalls were gone for now. A new owner bought it this year and wants to restore it back to its glory from what we were told. He has alot to do. But a big thanks to him.

ice cream parlor

July 30, 2011

Day 2 of the Hot Dog Festival

A early start because we packed up the evening before due to the pending storms...

lightening, clouds but thank goodness NO STORMS or RAIN!!!

Meet some good customers, very positive feedback for our creativity and craftsmanship!

July 29, 2011

Hot Dog Festival, Frankfort Indiana

My hand painted Imagineer people,

story blocks and story box.

Set up went smooth this morning,

and we sold a variety of items.

Hair Bows, pillowcase dresses,

overalls, dirndle skirts, bottle straps,

wooden blocks, swords and wands, and

anything "Colts", "Indiana U",

and Purdue University.

A new customer named Reggie is

stylin' wearing his "GB Packer" bow.

As Lil Orchid says, "There was lots of

history around the Courthouse.

July 28, 2011

Set Up and a Swim

Long, Long drive today...

due to lots of construction...

not anyone working

just lots of barriers !!

Got set up as much as needed,

then went back to hotel

to cool off. Whew!

Check out my little mermaid.

July 19, 2011


Salary of the US President. ..$400,000
Salary of retired US Presidents ...$180,000
Salary of House/Senate...$174,000
Salary of Speaker of the House.. .$223,500
Salary of Majority/Minority Leaders... $193,400

Hate getting political...
but I know where the cuts should be.
I know too many people hurting now...
SS cuts, give me a break...
thats earned money-not free.
Cut minimum wage-are you nuts!!
What else is hiding in that bill?

July 18, 2011

Play and a Prayer

Early morning running and was able

to let Lil Orchid have some COOL fun!

Stopped at Our Lady of the Snows

Childrens Garden - play fountains.

So Calm, Serene and a place for Thought

and lots of Prayers. ;)

July 14, 2011

A week of ways to stay COOL

This has been a week or so of incrediable HEAT in the mid-west.

Temps in the 3 didgits and Heat Index up to 112...ugh!

I'm sticking to the chair, my shorts and

don't even ask whats happening to my underwear ;(

Okay, so I was in my teens during the 60's & 70's...

but at my age, I am not that liberated. Wish I was.

Trying to sew, but the material, thread

and everything else the fan can blow is stuck to me,

did I mention we have no A/C.

So hear is how we keep Lil Orchid COOL...

July 10, 2011

Worlds Largest Catsup Bottle Festival 2011

I am throughly Proud of my Granddaughter...
but I'm also proud of the dress I made her-
my Dainty Couture Collection
reversible knot dress with full skirt.
My daughters Proud too,
check out those matching Smiles!!

My Lil Orchid sang "God Bless America"
during the opening ceremonies today.

Later she was full of beauty & grace

as the retiring Princess Tomato and was so excited

to crown the new princess.

My son was leaving heading back to Ohio

but couldn't leave without seeing the ceremonies.

He entered the Hot Dog eating contest

(smothered in Brooks catsup, of course)

he ate 5 1/2 in 5 minutes, the winner ate 6 1/2.

and both he and Lil Orchid both won the catsup

taste contest, and she LOVES her Brooks Catsup!!

July 7, 2011

Interview for Show Me St Louis

We received a call to be at the VFW, for an interview

and news segment advertising the upcoming

Worlds Largest Catsup Bottle Festival this Sunday.

It was extremely bright, hot and sunny,

but Lil Orchid did an incrediable job as the

retiring Princess Tomato


I made her Catsup outfit that's she wearing.

It is one of my dirndle skirt creations.

Pieced with different fabric for a unique look!

Celebrating a Birthday

We are back home and spending time together...

my son turned 26 while we were gone

so we are just now celebrating his birthday.

He loved his ice cream cake and

Lil Orchid LOVES her Uncle!!

Happy Birthday Babe

July 5, 2011

Heading Home..

We got to sleep in late but found we were all awake at 6am but just laying there. So we packed up, checked out, and saw a few sights before the drive home. Just enjoy the pics !

July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July

Lil Orchid named this horse,


She named this horse America
Up early, to re-set up after the rain and make sure we get a decent parking place for closing.

Unfortunately, when you a used to the StL VP Parade, everything fails in comparison. Butwe didn't get the predicted rain today and that was a blesssing (except we just watching over our shoulders,waiting) Lil Orchid got to use her prize coupons today, a wrist band for unlimited carnival rides and food coupons. My daughter watched the booth, I think because she heard me complain about the big hill we had to walk up & down yesterday for the other events.

Her and Uncle N had fun playing (advertising)

my new soft Swords I made and drew on.

The fountain steps was the perfect battle ground.

Thats my new tunics size Med & Lg

for the boys or girls.

Cooling down after the fair.

Good Night America,

It was a great Birthday Party!!

July 3, 2011

National Tom Sawyer days, day 2

National Tom Sawyer Days in Hannibal, MO

2nd Day and storms went through last night.

Just a little wind so everyone did okay.

Today my son should be driving in

from Ohio and join us for the 4th.

Lil Orchid is so excited.

"Hannibal's Got Talent"

We are gonna check out the Talent contest,

the age group is 0-17 yrs, and then 18 and older.

She loves to sing!!! And is super excited that tomorrow is the 4th.

Well, decided to enter her beause they told me

there was only about 20 in both categories.

WRONG. Before it was even her turn a really bad rain came and lasted throughout

the last of the competition. (I worried for my daughter, she was at the booth by herself)

So you could see part of the crowd and that girl won 1st for clogging.

Lil Orchid was last up and introduced herself then said she will sing "God Bless America"

because tomorrow is America's Birthday! The crowd just howled & hollared,

she sang and did an amazing job!

At the end the lady said she only had enough cash for three prizes but decided to

give out a special award to the little 5 yr old girl who knew it was America's Birthday tomorrow!

(So I say she got 4th, the other winners were all teens) most were aged 10 and up.

Later we trudged up the hill in the storm and a barracade hit me in the back when I stopped to Help Lil Orchid with her umbrella. Ouch!

Trying to stay dry and

dry out.

Everyone Loved our patriotic Tutu's.